The Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church has her own official constitution which was formulated in the year 1934. Every member of the Church including H. H. the Catholicos of the East and Malankara Metropolitan, all diocesan metropolitans, the clergy and the laity are bound by the rules and regulations mentioned in the constitution. All the parishes of Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church whether in India or in other regions of the world are governed by the constitution.
As the Church had no written constitution until 1934, it was governed by consensus, traditions and precedence. The constitution was presented in the Malankara Christian Association Meeting of 26th December 1934 held at M. D. Seminary at Kottayam following which it was adopted and brought to force. The constitution was amended on three occasions to meet specific situations and needs. Though the validity of the constitution was challenged in the Court, the Supreme Court in its final verdict declared, confirmed and upheld the validity of the constitution. The constitution upholds the autonomous and autocephalous nature of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church. The constitution enshrines the fundamental features of the Church, provides direction for its internal administration and preserves its integrity and autonomy. The essential features of the Church are provided in the preamble. The first article emphasizes the relationship between the Church of Syria and Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church. The second article highlights the foundation of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church by St. Thomas and the primacy of His Holiness the Catholicos of the East. The third article refers to the name of the Church and the fourth about the faith, traditions and so on. The fifth article deals with the canons governing the administration of the Church. The constitution as a whole conceives the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church as self-sufficient in all her requirements, be it temporal, ecclesiastical or spiritual in nature and upholds that the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church is rightly autocephalous in character.