Dear in Christ, The Holy Qurbana and the Feast of Pentecost, on 28/05/2023 Sunday 8:30am at City Church. Please bring Perunal Sushrusha Kramam. Please note Saturday 27/05/2023 evening prayer will
Dear Everyone, Parish is organizing a family day out on June 5th, Bank Holiday Monday at Clara Lara Park in Wicklow. Everyone has to arrange tickets and transport by themselves.
Dear in Christ, Parish is celebrating the Feast of St. George (Geevarghese Sahada), and Parish harvest festival on Sunday 14/05/2023. *From this week during Summer, Morning Prayer will begin at
Dear in Christ, This week Holy Qurbana, on Sunday, 07/05/2023 at 9:00am and Parish General body meeting after Holy Qurbana. 14/05/2023, Sunday Holy Qurbana (Feast of St George) at 9:00am
Dear in Christ, This week Holy Qurbana is on Sunday 23/04/32 at 9:00 am . St Thomas IOC, Dublin
Dear all, Updates about upcoming events if OVBS : Tomorrow(14/04/2023) The program will start at 9:45 am Colour code: *Green We will celebrate tomorrow as an environmental day. Plants will
Dear in Christ,Our parish OCYM unit will be publishing the Logos Easter edition this week. If anyone is interested in giving donations or placing advertisements or give photos in memory
Dear in Christ,Kindly note,the deadline for any articles, drawings, stories or poems based on the theme ‘Easter’ for the Logos publication is before Saturday, the 1st of April. Kindly email
Catholicate Day Celebration on 26th March 2023 (Sunday)
Please Register : OVBS – 2023 – Registration | St. Thomas Indian Orthodox Church (