Two exciting activities for our Sunday school children ! The best entries shall be picked & uploaded on the web.
1. Read, Record, colour & upload
2. Bible verse hunt & upload
Details below
Read the Bible Verse loud and record it
Age: up to 7 yr.
1. Record the Bible verse and its reference in your own clear and audible voice.
2. Say your name at the end of the recording
Age: up to 7 yr. Pre School Children could be assisted by Parents. Best entries shall be uploaded to the web page and on other social media platforms. MP3 , WMA , WAV, .M4A file formats only. Send in your entries on or before 28th May, 2020 by email to sundayschool@indianorthodoxireland.ie
Bible Verse Hunt
Age group : 8 to 15 yr.
Open your Bible and read the verse. The verse will provide the clue.
Do a photo hunt, take pictures of the real or sketch. And along with the question (to identify), send it to: sundayschool@indianorthodoxireland.ie