Dear Sunday School Students, Teachers/Parents,
Greetings in name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Trust you all are in the best health and maintaining personal hygiene. In the context of COVID-19 spread, let me request all of you to spend moments every morning & evening praying for God’s mercy and healing of the sick. Social distancing is a mode of virus containment suggested by the health authorities and we should all be adhering to it.
However, remember to Pray, guide and get in touch with people in need through phone/email. Many of our parents and family members back in India are also in a panic due to the virus spread. Schools and universities across Ireland are shut down as part of precautionary measures. While adhering to the precautions, the St. Thomas Indian Orthodox Church Sunday school has come up with an interesting activity for Children:
- ‘Draw/Sketch and upload’: The best three entries shall be awarded a prize each, and more interestingly the drawing would be uploaded/showcased on Parish website and Facebook page. The best entries can be viewed by your friends and families across the globe. Themes: ‘God/ Jesus Christ the Healer’ (you can use any of the healing miracles in the N.T / O.T) OR ‘Protect yourself from COVID -19’
- ‘Creative writing’: imaginative writing about ‘This is How Fruitfully I spend my day’ during this unexpected break from school or ‘How I protect myself from COVID-19’. Maximum 500 words.
Scan and send in your entries:
Alternatively, you can scan and WhatsApp to 0892288818 on or before 29 March 2020. The entries shall be judged in three categories of students
- Group 1. Age 5-10,
- Group 2. Age 11-13
- Group 3. Age 14-16
- Children up to 5 years, can send in entries for a special prize too.
Prayerful Regards,
Fr. Anish John