Dear in Christ,
We are halfway in the Lenten journey. Mid- lent is also the time of exaltation of the Holy Cross, and on this day, we raise the Cross on the stand (Gogultho). This raising of the cross reminds us of the life-giving Cross of our Lord, Jesus Christ. In the Book of Numbers 21:1-9, our lord prefigured by the staff of Moses gave life to all who looked at the bronze serpent lifted amid the Israelite camp. The lifesaving event in Old testament foreshadowed the sign of the redemptive Cross of our Lord and God, Jesus Christ. In the context of a pandemic around us, it is pivotal to meditate this pericope (Numbers 21:1-9) and remember how the Israelites became impatient on the way and panicked at the treacherous conditions in the wilderness. They become impatient, complain, speak against God, and distrust their leader.
‘‘…but the people became impatient on the way. 5 The people spoke against God and against Moses, “Why have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? For there is no food and no water, and we detest this miserable food.” 6 Then the Lord sent poisonous serpents among the people, and they bit the people so that many Israelites died. 7
It is indeed worth noticing that many of us panic and become impatient too at times of crisis, especially in our present context of a pandemic gripping the world. It is quite natural to panic but remembers not to fall prey to things that might lead you to lose your inner peace and trust in God. Panic, as noticed around us, has led to rumours, incidents of stockpiling, religious superstitions, emotional outbursts, depression etc.
Let’s be cautious in crisis not to panic as the Israelites did in the wilderness. Let us put more trust in our Lord and pray earnestly. Quite often crisis situations in our lives are manmade and these situations should rather be used as a moment to introspect and to act. Introspect on how we have been consumeristic in our attitudes, how our acts of greed towards fellow beings and to nature has brought us so many disasters, and how often are we reminded through all of these of the frailty of humankind.
Let us meditate on this prayer from the Service of the exaltation of Cross during Mid-lent:
‘‘O God who was prefigured by the prophets of ancient times, and whose Cross Moses typified by the brass serpent which was lifted up in the midst of the camp, and when you were lifted up upon the Cross, you drew the whole creation to your worship and destroyed Pharaoh and the Amalekites. Protect us, O Lord, under the arms of your Cross and as you granted the request of Abgar, and you healed him of ailments and sickness, likewise, our Lord, be pleased with the fast and prayer of your weak and sinful servants and heal our wounds by your Cross and forgive our debts and sins by your loving-kindness, our Lord and our God, now and Forever’’(From Service of the exaltation of Cross during Mid-lent in the Order of the prayers of the major feasts, MOSC publications).
Remember to pray and to serve diligently in situations of crisis in our society, and not to fall prey to ‘rumours’ or ‘quasi-spiritual fantasies’. Pray for all those engaged in the frontline, healthcare staffs, emergency teams, leaders of nations and for all those who are sick and vulnerable.
God is incomprehensible. See how our frailty is evident, and his strength is still unintelligible.
In Christ,
Fr. Anish John